Star Born


Aura and Rain are embarking on a journey together with their friends, an intergalactic butterfly named Greenfeather (who is afraid of heights) and a sentient, autonomous robot named Cosmo. Their collective quest will take them through the celestial realms, in hopes of bringing balance back to their galaxy.

This 11” x 17” print was custom printed by Alpha Graphics, Inc., in Baltimore, MD.

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Aura and Rain are embarking on a journey together with their friends, an intergalactic butterfly named Greenfeather (who is afraid of heights) and a sentient, autonomous robot named Cosmo. Their collective quest will take them through the celestial realms, in hopes of bringing balance back to their galaxy.

This 11” x 17” print was custom printed by Alpha Graphics, Inc., in Baltimore, MD.

Aura and Rain are embarking on a journey together with their friends, an intergalactic butterfly named Greenfeather (who is afraid of heights) and a sentient, autonomous robot named Cosmo. Their collective quest will take them through the celestial realms, in hopes of bringing balance back to their galaxy.

This 11” x 17” print was custom printed by Alpha Graphics, Inc., in Baltimore, MD.
